WINCHESTER City Council is launching a new initiative to support tourism and creative businesses in reducing their carbon footprint.

Through the scheme, organisations will be able to get a free carbon footprint assessment from Winchester-based environmental consultants GEP Environmental, which has been contracted by the council.

Participating businesses will also be able to access a bespoke carbon reduction plan, identifying ways to reduce energy and water usage, waste output and transport emissions, while highlighting funding opportunities.

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Councillor Lucille Thompson, cabinet member for business and culture, said: “It’s fantastic to offer this new initiative to help the Winchester district’s tourism and creative businesses become greener faster, moving Winchester a step closer to carbon neutrality.

“By encouraging more sustainable ways of working, we hope businesses will see reduced running costs as well as reputational benefits thanks to growing awareness of green credentials - all of that will ultimately help boost our vibrant local economy too."

Grace Ryder, GEP project director, said: “The GEP Environmental team is always pleased to be able to work with Winchester City Council, and this project is no exception.

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“I’m pleased to be able to build on the works our team has already completed, and to continue to drive knowledge, awareness, and impact for decarbonisation in the Winchester district.”

Tourism and creative businesses interested in getting involved in the scheme are being invited to contact the GEP team at, or by calling 01962 600 205.

The assessment involves a 30-minute phone consultation, followed by a two-hour onsite carbon assessment that will scrutinise business operations and provide insight into carbon reduction techniques.

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