
  • Everywhere you can see the Flying Scotsman train in 2021

    The Flying Scotsman has been back in service in 2021 and people are still keen to get a glimpse of the famous train. The express passenger train service has operated between Edinburgh and London since it first launched back in 1862. Like with

  • Everywhere you can see the Flying Scotsman train in 2021

    The Flying Scotsman has been back in service in 2021 and people are still keen to get a glimpse of the famous train. The express passenger train service has operated between Edinburgh and London since it first launched back in 1862. Like with

  • Flying a kite, but there isn’t a kite, at the mo’

    A LANDMARK art sculpture is missing a vital part. The Kite Flyer statue spans Parchment Street close to the junction with St George's Street. It was erected by the city council in 2009 as a way of increasing interest from passers-by on the

  • PLANNING: Who wants to build in your street?

    Colden Common 21/02052/HOU, Mr Hussain, erection of ground floor rear extension with a loft conversion, including dormers and internal remodelling, Eastern Winchester Road, Fishers Pond. 21/02106/HOU, Nicola Tramaseur, dropped kerb and hardstanding

  • FEATURE: The ups and downs of Sunday Schools

    ONE of the great virtues of old newspapers is that they include detailed reports on a variety of community activities. This enables the story of everyday events to be told, often with results that add to – and sometimes conflict with – standard

  • Romsey group meets in person again after 18 months

    Members of the Romsey Twinning group held an informal gathering last week on Thursday September 9 in the Memorial Park. Members braved the odd shower for the chance to see familiar faces again in person after a long 18 months of lock downs.

  • FEATURE: The surviving shop of Romsey

    Many chain stores that were staples of our high streets across England have disappeared in recent years. Shops like Home and Colonial, the International Stores and Woolworths have gone. However Boots the Chemist is one firm that has soldiered on.

  • LETTER: Want a baby? You must pay for it

    SIR: So the government is finally instigating a review into the social care budget? About time - especially after they’ve stolen the homes of thousands of taxpayers over the years to pay for their care at the end of their lives. Well, while I await

  • Lecture and curry supper evening coming to military museum

    THE GURKHA MUSEUM in Winchester are hosting an evening of mountaineering lectures and a curry supper later this month. The event titled Peak Performers, which takes place on September 30 at 6pm, will feature lectures and first hand accounts from

  • Woman dies three days after fall at home

    A WALTHAM Chase woman died in hospital three days after suffering a fall at home. Cynthia Mary Oatley, 79, fell at her home in Chase Farm Close on September 3. She died in Southampton General Hospital on September 6, an inquest heard. Consultant

  • 'Virtual high streets' launching across Winchester district

    AN online shopping platform for local businesses in Winchester is set to launch next month. ShopAppy will allow customers to browse virtual shop windows, order products from local stores using home delivery and use a click and collect service from