Saturday May 18 was the date for Western CE Primary School's first ever Colour Run, inspired by the Hindu Holi Festival. 

The event at Browning Drive in Winchester attracted over 150 pupils, parents and staff who ran the 400m "Western Way" track around the school's beautiful and expansive grounds several times, whilst being sprayed with multi coloured powder paint.

One participant attracted a lot of attention from the younger paint throwers. Sarah Horton, year 6 class teacher, was a particular target for pupils, perhaps getting their revenge after SATS week!

Another participant, Zachary, aged four, who is starting at Western in September, said “The colour run was fun running with mummy and Alfie, my big brother. The rainbow colours in our hair were funny and I don’t want to wash my t-shirt, it’s colourful.” 

He has also not stopped wearing his medal.

The funds raised will be going towards an exciting project to enlarge and improve the school library.

This project will enable the school to expand the range of books and magazines available to children and display them in a more flexible and inviting way. The funds raised will create comfortable quiet reading spaces and a group teaching space close to an outside reading area.