Amidst a blaze of colour on Friday July 21 eight teams competed in the Easton Sixes, as a culmination of Easton and Martyr Worthy Cricket Club’s two-day fundraiser event.

The annual tug of war and BBQ were held the previous day. The evening was well attended, and spectators also enjoyed two juniors interclub friendly cricket matches. 

Andy’s warriors proved to be the most skilful and tenacious and won the Tug of War Cup.

The evening included various fun pulls, including eight players from the club’s Ladies W10 team, captained by Elloise Clarke. 

They undertook a best of three versus Juniors Under 11s and managed to win two of the three pulls, with the opposition fielding anything between 16 and 28 competitors.

The annual sixes cricket tournament was sponsored by Knight Frank again. Paul Moffatt’s excellent hog roast lived up to expectations. The bar was provided by The Plough from Itchen Abbas. The brightly coloured playing shirts ensure the different teams can be easily identified. This year saw the addition of a ‘super over’ when all scored runs count for double.

At lunch, players and spectators were joined by the club’s president John Roth, a spritely 102 years young and his wife Daphne a mere 98 years, who had travelled from London for the event. John and his family had moved to Martyr Worthy during WW2 and he has always held a place in his heart for the valley. John’s father, David Roth, purchased the cricket pitch in 1946 to enable cricket to be played in perpetuity in the valley. At that time the two cricket teams of Martyr Worthy and Easton amalgamated into one, due to the shortage of men available to play. 

The final was played between Fenwick Elliot Eagles in red and Station Mill Health and Fitness wearing lilac. Station Mill, captained by club captain Mark Dickety, batted first and scored 94, eventually winning by 20 runs. The Sixes Cup was presented by the club’s vice chairman John Brewer.