CIVIC chiefs have come up with a new plan for the future of Winchester for the next five years.

Winchester Town Forum has drafted the ‘Vision for Winchester 2012-2017’ plan which sets out key guidelines for future decisions about economic and social changes.

The document is an update of a 2006 version and is available for public consultation on the council website,

Hard copies will also be sent to local organisations and it is also available to the public at the Discovery Centre in Jewry Street or the council offices in Colebrook Street.

Steve Tilbury, council corporate director of operations said: “The updated Vision for Winchester reflects the new challenges that face the city over the next five years. The Town Forum has reviewed the effects these will have and how we might respond to them, and has also taken external advice before coming to its conclusions.

“We hope that individuals, local organisations and community groups will discuss the draft and let us know what they think.”

A final version will be launched in June. Comments can be directed to Colin Veal at the council via or by post. Comments must be submitted by May 18.