WINCHESTER police are appealing for help after a woman was robbed last night.

The woman, in her 40s, was attacked as she walked in Firmstone Road, Winnall at around 10.50pm.

She was approached from behind by the offender who grabbed her handbag.

The woman held onto her bag and in the struggle was pulled to the ground, grazing her knee.

The mugger, who is described as around five feet five inches tall, ran off empty-handed.

The victim has been left very shaken by the incident.

Det Con Ashley O'Dea, said today: “I am appealing to anyone who has any information about this incident to come forward. Did you see anyone hanging around or acting suspiciously in the area? Did you see or hear what happened?

“Any information, no matter how small, could help us further our investigation and find the person responsible.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact DC O'Dea at North Walls Police Station on 101 or via the website Crimestoppers are on 0800 555 111 where information can be left anonymously.

Minicom users should call 01962 875000.