FAMILIES descended on the Rose Bowl, West End home of Hampshire County Cricket Club, to help raise cash for a cancer charity.

The third annual Rose Bowl Run saw 200 athletes take part in a five-mile race around the grounds, with another 60 enjoying a two-mile family fun run, which encouraged fancy dress.

Sunday's event was organised to raise funds for the Wessex Cancer Trust and fund-raiser, Belinda Poore, said the target was £3,000, with funds still being counted this week.

The day was sponsored by Chandler's Ford-based Norwich Union Healthcare and there was also music, face painting and games on offer to make for a host of family fun.

Miss Poore said the run was a great success. "It went fantastically and we were so lucky with the weather."

"I'd like to thank all the runners for taking part and Norwich Union for their help. The Rose Bowl is a fantastic facility. It was a really great atmosphere and a nice family day."

Winner of the main race was Paul Ashley, of Southampton Running Club. Under 20 male winner was Scott Ledger, while veteran (40-49) male was Jon Tilt, of Halterworth Harriers.

Veteran (50-59) was Sidney Delara and over 60 veteran was Peter Joliffe, of Ryde Harriers. Fastest female was Frances Lord, from Team Southampton, and under 20 female was her team-mate, Georgina Barton.

Female veteran winners were Dawn Straker (35-44), Louise Nobbs (45-54) and Geraldine Emery (over 55). Robert Finch, 14, from Romsey, won the fun run.

For a full list of results and more photos, see this week's Hampshire Chronicle.