SIR — What on earth is wrong with so many of the taxi drivers at Winchester station?

I have never come across such a surly, unfriendly, discourteous group, and I have lived for 20 years in London and travelled around the world.

Time and again, they can barely bring themselves to say hello or thank you when you pay them.

I don’t want a new best friend, but I do expect basic courtesy from someone I am paying to supply a service.

I would like to emphasise that this criticism does not apply in any way to the local taxi firms whom I have found to be unfailingly friendly and reliable.

I am a regional Blue Badge guide and I think many of the station taxis must give a truly awful first impression to visitors.

I nearly walked over a mile home today rather than get a taxi because they are so often rude. Next time I shall certainly walk.

Does the city council not care about what sort of people they license, as long as they get the money?

It is something they and the Tourist Information Centre should take very seriously and do something about.

Name and address supplied.