A survey has revealed that Winchester residents want most of a disused army camp converted for public use.

Some 80 per cent of the 900 people who replied to the questionnaire would like to the development of the area into a nature area.

Nearly three quarters of respondents (72 per cent) called for new accessible routes, pathways and cycleways.

As a result, the area’s developers are reviewing the feedback to update the future proposals for the site’s legacy land. The land near to Badger Far Road is proposed to be a business park.

Current permissive access Current permissive access (Image: Meeting Place)
The survey was conducted by the Church Commissioners for England, Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and Gisborne, all involved in the development of Bushfield Camp.

The site has been largely unused since the 1970s, and the Hampshire Chronicle has reported previously on the numerous objections the plans for its development have provoked.

READ ALSO: Bushfield Camp: Over 40 objections to major development

Half of the respondents thought the whole Bushfield site was accessible for public use, however, only a small proportion of the former army camp currently has permissive access.

John Weir, head of real estate for the Church Commissioners for England, said: “We’re grateful for the breadth and depth of survey responses, which will play a key role in developing our proposals for the future of Bushfield’s legacy land.

“As custodians for the local area, we’re committed to taking on board the feedback received.”