As we arrived at the Theatre Royal Winchester, a huge white truck with HIGH JINXS emblazoned on the side was unloading in the side street. 

We couldn't catch a glimpse of what it was unloading, but its very existence was enough to excite and intrigue my seven-year-old son. 

What could they possibly be needing that could involve a truck so big? That's when we knew that we were not going to be watching some standard run-of-the-mill card trick act. 

Michael Jordan's show - High Jinx - has done the rounds, appearing in TV shows such as Penn & Teller's Fool Us. He's picked up a few awards on the way and it has even had a regular slot at Blackpool Tower Circus. 

To be honest, it had completely passed us by, until a recent visit to another magic show at the theatre ignited a burning desire to see more magic from my son. 

And High Jinx did not disappoint. Main man Michael is a thirty-something showman (although he looks much younger on his leaflet picture). His bio says he's an 'accomplished magician, unicyclist, juggler, illusionist, plate spinner, fire eater and guitarist'. One mean CV. I wonder what he lists under hobbies. 

He certainly pulled out all the tricks. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Eddie Morton meeting Michael Jordan after the show, and also on stage during some audience

It's a show of two 45 minute halves - making it excellent value for money and excellent for a family trip, especially those with small bladders and an appetite for interval ice cream. You really feel like you get your money's worth. 

It's a traditional, throw-back to the old type of magic show, with three scantily-clad female dancers adding a bit of pizzazz and glamour.

However, these ladies are not just there for decoration, most of the grand illusions require a slim and dexterous person, so these lovely ladies come in handy for squeezing into boxes, and sliding out of chains. 

With jokes and charisma, Michael brings the audience along with him every step of the way, and the audience participation parts brought the biggest guffaws. (My son was even chosen for one section, further reinforcing his desire to be a magician when he grows up). 

It's entertaining at every point - and Michael is a real showman. He cracks out all the circus tricks, spinning plates, eating fire and even juggling knives on a unicycle, before ending with a sentimental speech/trick where he says this show is his life's dream. 

He made time to greet people in the lobby after, and whatever you think of traditional magic shows, you can't help but walk away with a soft spot for him and his show.

The Theatre Royal is a really nice place to spend time with family, and High Jinxs was the perfect all-age family pleaser. Not too scary, just good old wholesome magic done well.  

He's next in Hampshire on Saturday, September 7 at 2.30pm at the Barn Theatre, Ringwood with his Magic & Marvels show. Go to

More magic is also on its way to the Theatre Royal Winchester, with Cillian O'Connor: My Magic World appearing on Tuesday, July 30. Go to