A student band from Winchester University has been celebrating after reaching the semi-finals of the ‘Metal to the Masses’ roadshow competition in Oxford. 

As previously reported, Dead Man’s Pistol consists of five members who met at the university and formed in March last year.

What began as five students making music for their assignments soon took a more professional turn, as they worked to create and brand themselves as an established working band. They currently meet twice a week to rehearse and write songs.

READ MORE: Dead Man’s Pistol make quarter-finals of roadshow competition

The band consider themselves as genre-blending. Their style harbours a 90s approach to heavy metal and identifies with many different sub-genres, but most specifically ‘thrash’ and ‘groove’ metal, taking their inspiration from bands such as Black Sabbath, Pantera and Sepultura. 

Recently, Dead Man's Pistol have been taking part in a roadshow competition taking place in Oxfordshire called 'Metal to the Masses'. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Dead Man's Pistols performingDead Man's Pistols performing (Image: Stig Price)

The band performed against a variety of other bands in the quarter-finals of the competition at the Jericho Tavern in Oxford on Saturday, May 11, as they were voted through to the semi-finals by the crowd, with another band joining them in the semis following a vote by the judges.

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The semi finals is on Saturday, June 1, again in Oxford, where the university band will get a chance to perform for a place in the final. Should they reach the final, they will be in with an opportunity to perform at several rock festivals, including Bloodstock and a rock festival in Slovenia.

Frontman and vocalist Stig Price, 33, said: "Honestly I don't think any of us expected us to go as far as we have, but now we're beginning to dream. We're a uni band playing against bands which have been established for many more years than us, but we're doing the unthinkable and having our own little underdog story.

"It just goes to show that if you have a goal or a dream you should just go for it. Now we're believing and quietly optimistic for our chances of reaching the final. It just goes to show, don't write yourself off."

The band is performing at a number of venues in the local area within the next few months.

For more information about the band and their upcoming events, visit them at @deadmanspistol on Instagram and Facebook. More information on the band can be found at deadmanspistol.com.