A BISHOP'S Waltham man is accused of touching a boy's chest and exposing himself while wearing a skirt, tights and a Christmas jumper, a court heard.

Keith Fielder, of Claylands Road, is charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy and exposure. 

The alleged incident took place on December 9, 2022 in Winchester Road, near the pond in Bishop's Waltham.

Fielder, 69, is accused of touching the boy's chest and lifting the skirt he was wearing, exposing his genitals. 

The trial started on Tuesday, May 21 at Winchester Crown Court. The judge, Mr Recorder Bebb KC, told the jury, consisting of seven men and five women, that Fielder was not fit to plead.

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The judge said: “I have considered psychiatric evidence and I have determined that the defendant is not fit to stand trial, due to no fault of his own.”

The judge explained to the jury that they would not have to determine if Fielder is guilty, only if he did the acts he is charged with or not. 

Opening the case Timothy Forster, prosecuting, said: “This is a slightly unusual trial and an unusual case.”

Mr Forster told the jury that the boy and his sister were walking together when Fielder approached them from the opposite direction.

He said: “As they were walking, they saw a man dressed in a short skirt, tights, a Christmas jumper, black boots and what has been described as a farmer's cap.

“Fielder pointed at the boy's chest and said 'I want to touch your tits'. He then cupped the boy's chest. He then said 'I'm not wearing any knickers'. He lifted his skirt and they could see his genitals.”

Mr Forster said the boy and his sister told their mother who contacted the police. 

The jury was shown a video interview the boy did with police on December 20 2022. He said: “He pulled his skirt up and we saw everything. It was scary, he was really creepy.”

The trial, which is expected to last two or three days, continues.