RESIDENTS can influence the design of 60 acres of new green open space within major plans to redesign a former army base on the outskirts of Winchester

The Church Commissioners, in partnership with Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and Gisborne, is calling on residents to complete a survey which will inform the future use and management of the green space at Bushfield Camp.

Through the online survey, which closes May 31, the developers want to understand how they can work with the community to maximise green space. The survey asks what residents would like to see incorporated as part of the 60 acres.

John Weir, head of real estate for the Church Commissioners, said: “With a fortnight left to complete the survey, this listening exercise is vital to ensure we can place community at the heart of our plans for Bushfield.

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Hampshire Chronicle: View from St Cross roundabout

“Hundreds of Winchester’s residents have already come forward to share their aspirations for the future use and management of the green space. We will share the full results over the summer, however, from the data gathered to date, a large proportion of residents have said they want improved access, with the land opened up for public use.

“Similarly, a significant majority want us to prioritise biodiversity conservation, alongside commissioning a third-party expert study to inform the future land management.

“We’re looking forward to seeing the full range of responses in due course, which we will take forward to deliver a wealth of benefits for Winchester’s residents and natural surroundings.”

Serving as a military base until 1979, Bushfield Camp was left unused for more than four decades. In 2013, it was allocated in the Winchester City Local Plan as an employment-led site for regeneration.

The developers have come under fire from residents expressing concerns over biodiversity, traffic, the height of buildings and the loss of walking areas.

If approved, the outline planning application submitted in October, will see the Bushfield Camp development deliver an innovation park to the south of the city centre, attracting major employers to Winchester looking for new headquarters, across life science, academia, media and health sectors.

For more information on Bushfield, or to complete the survey, visit: