A CHANDLER’S Ford man has been banned from the road for drink driving.

Ivan Vukovic, 52, of Poppyfields, was driving on Petersfield Road on Monday, April 1 when he was stopped by officers and had to perform a breath test, a court heard.

He returned an alcohol reading of 41 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, above the legal limit of 35 micrograms.

Appearing at Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, May 14, he pleaded guilty to a charge of driving withy excess alcohol.

Vukovic has been banned from driving for 14 months, which can be reduced by 14 weeks if he completes a course by February 6, 2025.

He must also pay a fine of £666, a victim surcharge of £266 and £85 costs. The total amount of £1,017 must be paid by Thursday, June 13.