Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond has met renowned actor Sir Jonathan Pryce at one of a series of events she attended as part of Dementia Awareness Week.

Mrs Drummond went to The Geller Commission to speak to chair Laurence Geller and professor David Sharp from the UK Dementia Research Institute about their work. 

The commission is seeking views on how to reduce avoidable dementia-related hospital occupancy in England.

She also attended the Dementia Action week parliamentary drop-in with Dementia Support. She discussed the Sage House Model which integrates specialised dementia services into accessible community locations.

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Hampshire Chronicle: Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond with Fiona Carragher, director of research and influencing at Alzheimer’s Society, and Sir Jonathan Pryce.Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond with Fiona Carragher, director of research and influencing at Alzheimer’s Society, and Sir Jonathan Pryce. (Image: Office of Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond)

Finally, she visited Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Action Week drop-in to learn about the importance of a dementia diagnosis in giving people access to the care and support they need, as well as in planning for the future.

Mrs Drummond said: “Dementia is a growing problem as our population ages and it is estimated one in three people are now set to develop dementia in their lifetime.

“We have an urgent need to drive up diagnosis rates across the UK, with a focus on early and accurate diagnosis as well as funding research into ways to treat this terrible disease.

“The awareness week was a big success with MPs and I was pleased to be able to go to so many and hear important updates as well as meeting with Sir Jonathan.”