Theatre Royal Winchester is set to play host to The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary, from June 4.

This rendition of the iconic Madame Bovary tale is known for its fresh take, introducing plot twists and a plethora of unpredictable props.

The audience can prepare to embark on a comedic yet poignant journey with Emma Bovary, a housewife in 19th century France grappling with her mundane existence.

The presentation is the brainchild of Ha Hum Ah Productions, renowned for forming a unified platform for creative artists, and The Minack Theatre, famous for its outdoor performances on the cliffs of Cornwall.

The narrative weaves a tale based on Gustave Flaubert’s intricate and celebrated novel, Madame Bovary, which was published in 1856.

Audience members are advised to brace themselves for a riveting ride into this retelling of a woman’s exploration of societal norms and personal desires in Victorian times.

The story addresses the suppression of women.

The theatre will also entertain with unassuming characters like a nun and various wild animals.

The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary will run at Theatre Royal Winchester from June 4-5, with performances at 1.30pm and 7.30pm.

For tickets and more details, contact 01962 840 440.