ROMSEY'S new mayor has been appointed in a special ceremony.

Cllr John Parker is the new Mayor of Romsey, having previously held the title in 2016.

He took over from Cllr John Ray at the mayor making event at Romsey Town Hall on Tuesday, May 14. 

The new deputy mayor is Cllr Russell Theron. 

Cllr Parker said: “I will do my best to serve you and all the citizens of the expanded Romsey. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Tess and John Parker

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“Romsey is economically thriving, not just in the town centre but in our industrial estates and our overall wealth. To keep Romsey thriving will mean an expansion both in housing and industry but this must not be to the detriment of the things that make Romsey the place it is. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Deputy mayor Russell Theron and John Parker

“As such we will need to keep a close eye on the plans as they emerge for the South of Town Centre and the development at Whitenap to ensure they are fit to serve Romsey over the next 20 to 40 years.”

He added: “This year, rather than choosing one or two charities, I will again operate a Community Chest. I want to be able to spread the goodwill to as many non-profit organisations as possible by making many small donations including some during the year rather than all at the end. It is my plan to visit as many of the local voluntary and charitable organisations as I can during the year.

“I look forward to a very fulfilling and enjoyable year – for all of us.”