Hampshire Freemasons are donating 20,000 art therapy books.

Led by Essex Freemason David Barton of 'Get Started Art', the books will be given to more than 150 hospital wards, dementia charities and support groups across the UK during Dementia Action Week, May 13-19, 2024, including RMBI Care Co's 17 homes.

The move is part of a bid to offer practical support and raise awareness for dementia sufferers and carers. Art therapy reportedly offers benefits such as boosting mood, stimulating memory, and enhancing communication skills.

Hampshire Chronicle: Residents enjoying colouringResidents enjoying colouring (Image: Supplied)

Since 2023, 'Get Started Art' has already donated 80,000 books to various charities and hospitals.

Danielle Neligan at NHS Hospitals Charity said: "Thanks to the kind donation of art therapy books from ‘Get Started Art’, we have been able to support teams across our hospitals to make a real difference to the experience of patients, such as those living with dementia."

David Martin, of Westgate Healthcare, added: "We are deeply grateful for this thoughtful donation of art books. These books will not only serve as sources of inspiration and enjoyment but also as tools for therapeutic expression and social interaction for our elderly community members."