Your Editorial Comment (May 9) asks if the Chronicle is alone in having concerns about the overwhelming majority and level of dominance of the Lib Dems on Winchester City Council where they hold 33 of the 45 seats. There is good cause for concern. You go on to say that Party discipline ‘means that most Lib Dem councillors will toe the line’ and that a ‘healthy democracy requires a plurality of views.’

The situation in Winchester City is beginning to resemble that at its next door neighbour Eastleigh Borough where the Lib Dems have dominated for years. They currently hold 35 of the 39 seats.

Such dominance results in councils being run at best by an inner cabal and at worst becoming a one man band. The remaining councillors don’t add much to policy formulation and become little more than nodding donkeys.

To cap it all you mention the silly shenanigans of Lib Dem ‘supporters dressed as dinosaurs (representing the Tories heading for extinction, apparently)’. It reminds me of Mark Twain’s response on reading his obituary published in error - ‘reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’.


E. Wright,

Alexandra Road,

Chandler’s Ford,
