PLANS for new signs outside a Romsey town centre hotel have been permitted despite objections from the town council and conservation officer.

The White Horse Hotel, which is owned by The Coaching Inn Group, can have 10 new signs around its building in Market Place.

The scheme received no public objections, but Romsey Town Council's planning committee and Test Valley Borough Council's conservation officer raised concerns. 

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Hampshire Chronicle: Signs proposed for The White Horse

Conservation officer Margaret Bennett's report said: “It is a very sensitive site, and any alterations, including signage, need to be carefully considered in light of the building’s special interests in order to ensure harm is avoided. To this end, it is considered the heritage appraisal is not really sufficient.

“In all instances the level of harm would be less than substantial. However, it should be born in mind this harm would be to a highly graded listed building, as well as to the settings of other listed buildings, and to the conservation area. It is considered the harm could be avoided.”

It was permitted using delegated powers on April 25. The planning officers' report concluded that the signs 'would not adversely affect public safety or public amenity'.