A new study from Regtransfers has revealed more than 60 car crimes have taken place in Winchester since 2023.

Analysis of public police data conducted by the supplier of private plates ranked a total of 177,672 roads across the UK, each of which reported at least one vehicle crime between January 2023 and January 2024.

According to the official police description, a vehicle crime refers to instances of “theft from or of a vehicle, or interference with a vehicle”. The study showed that over 366,600 crimes were reported to England’s police forces throughout 2023, with the majority taking place in London, which racked up a total of 111,887 vehicle crimes - a third of all that were reported last year.

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In Winchester, there were 18 roads where car crimes were reported, totalling up to 65 reports of the crime from 2023 to 2024.

The road with the highest amount of car crimes in Winchester was Hatherley Road with 11 vehicle crimes. Four of these took place in January 2024 and three in March 2023, resulting in a 0.8 monthly average.

Second on the list in the area was New Down Farm Cottages, where eight crimes were reported. The majority of these happened in September 2023, when three car crimes were reported to police.

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Moorside Road recorded six car crimes within the same time period, marginally more than Love Lane and Station Hill, with five each.

Other roads appearing on the list were Ranelagh Road with four car crimes while Brassey Road and St Catherine's Road had three each. 

Also on the list were Highfield Avenue, Monks Road, Park Road, Barnes Close, Church Street, College Street, Fairdown Close, Fareham Road, Five Bridges Road and Sarum View, where two car crimes were reported to police in each.

Regtransfers CEO Mark Trimbee said: "Keeping your car safe from thieves doesn’t need to be a costly or taxing endeavour, but there are certainly some steps you should take to reduce your chances of being stung. Mix a bit of street smarts with some tech savvy.

"Lock up tight, park smart, and don’t let your keys hang out or be seen in places where they shouldn’t be. When it comes to additional tech, things like dash-cams, signal-blocking pouches for keyless entry fobs, and tracking devices can offer great security measures.

"Don’t forget to keep an eye out when you’re around your car and lock up as soon as you get in. It’s all about being smart and staying one step ahead."