THE St Clements Surgery in Tanner Street has gone on the market.

The surgery is in the process of being replaced, with a new St Clements Surgery on Friarsgate expected to open in the autumn.

The old surgery, which is being rebranded as St Clements Works to avoid confusion, is now on the market to rent through estate agents Goadsby.

Hampshire Chronicle: St Clements Works

Allan Pickering, divisional director at Goadsby, said: “St Clements Works was built as offices by the county council in the early 1970s.

“The building has a very generous parking provision, and coupled with a prime location just off the High Street, we are confident the space will attract much interest from a variety of users looking for a low-cost business space.”

READ MORE: New city centre GP surgery hits important milestone with topping-out

The building is owned by former city councillor Kim Gottlieb, who fought against the Henderson redevelopment scheme for Silver Hill which Winchester City Council had promoted for many years until 2016.

Mr Gottlieb said: “I brought the building partly to avert a resuscitation of the Henderson Scheme and partly to ensure the security of the surgery until the provision of new premises was certain.

“With both of those objectives now achieved, the next steps and how we pump prime the regeneration of the new Silver Hill area, which seems to be making good progress, will make for an interesting time.”

For further details, contact the team at Goadsby Commercial on Jewry Street, or call Allan Pickering on 01962 869667.