It’s exam season once again, a time of stress for final year students at all levels of education. One tip that is true through all these levels is to make studying interesting, and a new workspace is the best way to do so.

Studying at home is easy: you have access to all your materials, it’s free, and you can study at any time. Though this can be the least productive place as you’re easily distracted, and your focus time is not regulated by any schedule other than your own.

Whilst this may work for some people, some of the time, a more fun and interesting way to study is to explore new places until you find the one that suits you best - and Winchester has many places to do so.

Coffee shops are widely popular to study in, often giving students the right aesthetic that helps them focus. From Starbucks to the Handlebar Café and everything in between, there is a coffee shop to suit everyone. These locations are typically livelier, though some are very calm. So, finding the right one may take some time.

The Arc is a brilliant location for studying as not only does it have a café, but it’s a library with more amenities than many other locations. Recently refurbished, the mixture of modern decoration in an older building gives a peaceful atmosphere. It is a popular location, though, so picking the right time to go is important.

Though not the most conventional of workspaces, the great outdoors can be a serene study spot. Be it up St Catherine's hill or in the Cathedral grounds, there are endless possibilities for students. The weather is critical in making the conditions ideal for outdoor studying, but with summer just around the corner, why not explore Winchester whilst studying?

  • This article was written by Beck Penfold, from Peter Symonds College, as part of Newsquest's Young Reporter Scheme.