A BARN in the Hampshire countryside can be demolished and replaced with a house after plans were approved. 

Mr and Mrs Dolby-Stevens can proceed with the work on the land behind Willowbrook House in Braishfield Road, Crookhill.

The application was unanimously permitted by Test Valley Borough Council's southern area planning committee on April 23. 

It was brought before the committee because the scheme is against the local plan as it's development in the countryside. 

However, the planning officer recommended it for permission as the building had prior approval for a change of use.

READ MORE: Welborne first phase homes granted planning permission

Hampshire Chronicle: Barn to be demolished

The officer's report said: “The proposed development seeks the construction of a new dwelling in the countryside. This type of development is a departure from the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016) in that it is contrary to Policy COM2. 

“However, the conversion of the building on the site has prior approval and is clearly more than a theoretical prospect. The likely residential use of the site is a significant factor in determining this application and weighs significantly in favour of granting permission.

"Considering this and coupled with the proposal not resulting in any adverse impacts on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, amenity, highways or ecology, permission is recommended subject to conditions, contrary to the provisions of the development plan.”

Braishfield Parish Council supported the plan.