PLANNING chiefs are due to decide if a bungalow can be built in a Hampshire village garden.

Chris Southcott wants to build on land behind 74 and 76 Lovedon Lane in Kings Worthy.

The scheme has been controversial with objections from The Worthys ward councillor Steve Cramoysan and Kings Worthy Parish Council. 

Six members of the public have also sent objections. It will be decided by Winchester City Council's planning committee on Wednesday, April 17. 

Planning officers have recommended it for permission. The officers' report said: “The proposal is considered to be acceptable and to comply with relevant local plan policy. The proposed dwelling is single storey and will not visually dominate the area or site.

“The dwelling faces into the site and is situated away from the rear boundary and therefore is not considered to cause harm to the setting and enjoyment of the public open space in Fryers Close.

“Windows have been positioned so as to avoid overlooking of neighbouring properties and the height, mass and scale of the proposed building is such that there will be no impact from overbearing or overshadowing towards adjoining properties.”

Hampshire Chronicle: Site plan

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Cllr Cramoysan said: “I urge you to refuse the proposed development. This response clearly demonstrated how there are a number of areas where the proposal is not policy compliant. The development would not be in keeping with the character of the area, it would have an adverse impact on existing and future residents amenity. It would also result in a highway safety impact. There is not such demand for new housing in this area that a substandard scheme should be allowed. I would ask you to refuse this proposal.”

The objection from the parish council said: "This proposed development constitutes overdevelopment of the site and the size of the proposed dwelling will have a significant adverse effect on both the character of the surrounding area, as well as the amenity of neighbouring properties.”

Heather Marshall, of Lovedon Lane, said: “There is insufficient space for parking for visitors and/or deliveries/workforce etc on this small site. This will lead to dangerous parking on Lovedon Lane on the kerb likely leading to an increase in traffic accidents and congestion.

“Furthermore, it is unlikely that emergency vehicles will be able to access the property due to a narrow access road with potential service cables above particularly in event of a fire causing a hazard to the new proposed houses and residents as well as those surrounding them.”

For more details about the application online, search 23/01375/FUL on Winchester City Council's online planning portal.