Who are these people who dictate how we live and die? 

The rogues in Parliament of course with their own properties, cars, holidays and bonuses who live in luxury and keep the rest of the country in poverty especially pensioners who have worked all their lives (myself 68 years) and have to resign themselves to a life of misery when or if they can retire.

Does anyone in this government have to decide shall we heat or eat? It's ludicrous and they have brought this country to ruin. The idle layabouts that choose not to work are kept by taxpayers especially pensioners who have a small pension from a previous employer. These pensioners were told and forced to take a private pension but they weren't told it would be taken in tax to subsidise the growing concern of people who do not wish to work.

Why drop the national insurance where is the money coming from for the next generations pensions, tax again of course. This government wants us all to go private for health care so the predicament of decent people will go to the gutter. No matter what party wins the election the difference of how we have to live will be nil because none of them are out to give hard working people a decent way of living standards only to fill their own pockets of a life of luxury.

As for the choice of how to die.

What gives this or any government alike to dictate whether we choose euthanasia or to die in agony with our loved ones looking on.

Our life is ours to choose how we die not the dictatorship of people who have let this country go to ruin. They are incapable of that choice.

Mrs P. Dollery,
Winnall Manor Road,

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