CHANGES are coming for Winchester residents as they recycle at home.

But civic chiefs don't want to say too much about it at the moment.

They hope that soon plastic tubs, trays and cartons will be accepted for recycling in the domestic green bins.

Hampshire County Council which runs the recycling operation is considering making major changes.

Following a public consultation the city council is pressing the county to introduce 'co-mingling' with one bin accepting all material for recycling: plastic, glass, paper, card, glass as well as plastic, pots, trays and cartons.

Senior city councillor Kelsie Learney said the consultation revealed the public wants a simplified system.

City council leader Martin Tod said the least said at the moment the better. He told Cabinet: "If we tell people not to put pots and tubs and then later say they can it will be a mess. Best to keep quiet for the time being."

New glass recycling banks have been installed at St Catherine's park and ride at Bar End after local supermarkets have removed their tanks.

Meanwhile food waste is going to be collected by March 31 2026 at the latest, the Cabinet decided.

But green councillor Malcolm Wallace said: "I'm incredibly disappointed at how long this is taking. The Government have not treated this with the priority needed."