DEVELOPERS have unveiled plans to build a new rooftop terrace with views overlooking the city centre.

The High Street building, which was the previous site of Closs & Hamblin, has been vacant for over a year.

A few doors down from the Guildhall, the plot is in a prime position for a new development, which the developer, Gentian is keen to make happen.

The back of the property looks out over the Cathedral, and Gentian claimed “the roof terrace would open up views to the cathedral that the people of Winchester would have never seen before”.

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Hampshire Chronicle: Image of the terraceImage of the terrace (Image: Gentian Developments)

However, Eric-Enno Snel, manager of the Mercure Wessex House, has expressed noise concerns from late night activity on the roof - the hotel is directly behind the site of the proposed terrace and many of the rooms are at the same level as the rooftop.

Mr Snel hopes “there are plans to reduce and limit the noise an open spaced terrace would generate”.

A city council historic environment officer was consulted regarding the impact on the character of the building but it was found that the rooftop was of “no obvious historic interest” and “limited architectural merit”.

However, they expressed concerns regarding light pollution from the terrace, and again called for limited opening hours.

The planning application is available on the Winchester City Council Planning page, under 23/02068/FUL.