MAINTENANCE work at Littleton Road Playground has been finished including resurfacing by the see-saw, the flat swings and the train as well as repairs to the top gate post.

LITTLETON and Harestock Parish Council has appointed a new parish councillor. Cllr Simon Borthwick was co-opted last month. He moved to Littleton from London in 2004 and currently works part-time as a development director for an American property company.

The parish council still has four vacancies for councillors. Anyone wanting to get involved should contact or phone 01962 886507.

THE Parochial Church Councils of Chilbolton, Crawley, Littleton, Sparsholt and Wherwell are holding a licensing service of their new Rector Revd Kevin Rogers St Stephen’s Church in Sparsholt. The service, on Tuesday, March 19 at 7.30pm, will be followed by a welcome reception in Sparsholt Memorial Hall.

Anyone planning on going should let John or Sally Wesley know by completing the sign-up sheet in St Stephen’s Church or by contacting the benefice office by Tuesday, March 5.

SPARSHOLT Parish Council has bought a thermal imaging camera for residents to use and monitor their homes. The camera must be connected to a smart phone by use of an app. To register interest in using the camera contact For more information go to The new project is part of the parish council’s initiative on climate action.

ITCHEN Valley litter pick returns on Saturday, March 16. More details will be released next month. Littleton and Harestock Parish Action on the Climate Emergency (PACE) is also planning a Spring Clean Anyone interested in giving up a few hours to improve the verges should contact the parish clerk at

RESIDENTS are being urged to save the date for the return of the Easton and Martyr Worthy Safari Supper on Saturday, May 11.

THE Itchen Valley area is keeping up its tradition of holding a lunch of soup, bread and cheese every Friday throughout Lent. This year the events will be raising money for Hampshire charity Youth Options.

The first lunches will be from midday until 2pm on February 16 at Homewood in Worthy Park, February 23 at The Farmyard in Easton and March 1 at Meadows in Martyr Worthy. Everyone in the area is welcome.

FOR 40 years, Church Lane in Martyr Worthy has been home to the Good Friday ritual ‘Way of the Cross’, where locals perform Jesus’ story from the last supper to the crucifixion.

This year’s ‘Way of the Cross’ will be on Friday, March 29 with a rehearsal at 9am, performance at 10am and service at 11am. Organisers are urging anyone of any age to get involved.

EASTON Village Hall is hosting a pancake party on Shrove Tuesday (February 13) from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. There will games, activities, pancakes with lots of toppings and hot dogs for the children. Anyone wanting to go should contact

THIS season’s Martyr Worthy Lecture Series finishes on Friday, February 16 with a lecture on the Tower of London, by Dr Edward Impey.

The event starts at Itchen Abbas and Avington Village Hall at 6.30pm for drinks and canapes before the hour-long lecture begins at 7.15pm. Tickets cost £25, with proceeds being split between the four churches in the Itchen Valley Parish. For more information or to book go to