Further to Stephen Percy’s letter about café tables in Jewry Street (Chronicle, January 18) I should like to add the following.

As one who has no sight, I frequently find myself trapped by tables, chairs and benches blocking the thoroughfare outside the premises at the High Street end of the western side of Jewry Street. When in this situation this morning, I found it necessary to push and pick up items of furniture to clear a path.

I pointed out to some of the café staff that this is unacceptable, and the manager, rather than apologising to me, said that I was speaking rudely.  He appears not to know the difference between rudeness and holding a contrary opinion.  He also offered the fact that he pays Council tax as justification for this hazardous and antisocial practice.  Does this mean that I, as one who also pays Council Tax, am allowed to extend my front garden onto the pavement in front of my house?

A bystander entreated me to take a positive attitude towards the situation.  This I am doing, by hoping that the café proprietor will take the hint and remove the clutter, thus improving the environment at the corner of Jewry Street and the High Street.

Keith Hatter,

Arthur Road,



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