I'm writing in response to Richard Wetherill's letter 'Crass monotony' of development (Chronicle, February 1).

Whilst I agree that elements of Kings Barton are monotonous, it seems rather credulous of Mr Wetherill to believe it would be much improved by having had different developers build on the site. 

Developers are all constrained by their need to maximise profit on a site by exploiting economies of scale in design and buying materials. Even upmarket developers like Alfred Homes squeeze in similar houses on too small plots.

And as another resident of Park Road, I think the last thing it needs is traffic lights, which would hold up traffic, belching out fumes and noise whilst waiting for a green light. It would also require a three phase to allow pedestrians to cross and I certainly do not wish to wait ages for a green man. 

Most of the time drivers are careful and courteous to pedestrians crossing the bridge; but then get impatient once over the bridge - so traffic lights would make this worse. A much simpler and cheaper solution would be to have a 20mph limit on the road.

Peter Jordan,
Park Road,

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