A ROMSEY care home recently raised more than £500 for a community charity.

Abbotswood Court Care Home handed over a £561 cheque to Romsey Good Neighbours in recognition of their work.

For the third year, funds were raised by the Santa's Grotto event where more than 300 children and their families enjoyed meeting Father Christmas and playing in the snow at Abbotswood Court Care Home’s festive event. 

READ MORE: Itchen Valley Choir raises £350 for Winchester Hospice

Hampshire Chronicle: Santa's Grotto event

Dianne Dawkins, chairman of Romsey Good Neighbours, said thank you to everyone at the care home for the generous donation which will help fund the much needed service. 

Romsey Good Neighbours provides transport for elderly people to their medical appointments. 

They are always looking for drivers who can offer any amount of time to help someone in need of assistance getting to a hospital appointment, eye test or similar. 

For more details, contact 01794 514854 or visit romsey-good-neighbours.org.uk.