Peter Symonds College, the largest college in England, provides many opportunities for students to engage with the college welfare including its promotion on social media.  

The social media and journalism group is a collection of students from lower and upper sixth all who take a range of subjects and partake in a collaborative effort to explore the range of activities and promote them on social media. 

The journalism group works in a collaborative effort, with multiple people collating on different posts and their formats. A huge range of social media compositions have been experimented with, including articles, interviews and even videos. The club aims to allow students to harness their potential and find exciting and creative ways to use social media as an outlet to promote the college and what it offers. 

One member of the enrichment, Oliver Webb, comments on why he enjoys such an engaging club. He said: “I like exploring and promoting the diverse range of enrichments that Symonds provides. I enjoyed interviewing with the BSL, because I think that it is important to raise awareness about such a topic, and I really hope my interview inspired more people to attend the enrichment, and learn sign language.”

The advertisement of the BSL club is an example of the benefits of promoting on social media activities that are integral but not as well known. 

However, it is not just journalists that can engage with the club but designers and photographers too. Henry Hodgson, a sports and events photographer uses social media to promote his photos, he said that the Symonds Social Media and Journalism Club gives him an opportunity 'to do the photography I want, and a platform to showcase it.' 

The club is mainly student-led, with the members themselves coordinating the activities they want to explore and post about. However it is not without adult influence, Holly McWilliam runs the Social Media and Journalism group and works as the enrichment assistant at Peter Symonds College, here she explains why enrichment is so important to her.

She said: “I wanted to open a group where students can tap into their own talents in a way for them to build an online portfolio that can go towards university, and apprenticeship applications. This helps the department show the different enrichments offered to current and prospective students. Great for students who look at social media to hear from a student voice.” 

The club is not just to promote activities at Symonds, but it is to offer students a place where they can enhance their creativity and explore lots of different ways to connect with fellow students, and use social media as a helpful tool. 

The club's portfolio can be found on Instagram @psc_enrichment 

  • This article was written by Clara Dale-Smith, from Peter Symonds College, as part of Newsquest's Young Reporter scheme.