A ROMSEY church is due to start offering weddings for same-sex couples. 

In July 2016, the United Reformed Church General Assembly passed a resolution allowing individual congregations of local United Reformed churches to decide for themselves if they wished to register their buildings for the marriage of same-sex couples.

After discussion and review, especially over the first few months of last year, the members of Abbey United Reformed Church, Romsey, at their church meeting on March 26 last year, voted by an overwhelming majority in favour of registering the church building for same-sex marriages.

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The minister, Rev Mike Perrott, said: “We believe that all couples in committed relationships who wish to solemnise their marriage vows before God, in our church, should have the right to do so.”

The registration to offer the marriage ceremony to same-sex couples in Abbey United Reformed Church was granted on January 11. 

It will not take long for the church to register its authorised people to officiate at same-sex marriages, after which they can proceed.

Ceremonies for the blessing of civil partnerships, renewal of vows or thanksgiving services for special wedding anniversaries can also be held within the church for all couples. 

For more details, contact Revd Mike Perrott at revd.mike13@gmail.com or visit abbeyurc.org.uk.