A TEA concert is being held at St Peter’s church in Ropley on Sunday January 28.
Cantores Episcopi, conducted by David Hurley, is a close harmony ensemble at Winchester Collage.
The event starts at 3.15pm with the concert beginning at 4pm, to last about an hour.
Tickets are £5 from www.stpetersroplyvenue.org.uk.

A QUIZ night is being organised by Alresford Rotary in March.
The event will be on Friday March 22 at Itchan Abbas Village Hall.
Tickets are £15 per person and teams can be up to six strong..
There will be a licensed var, raffle and a hot supper.
More information from David Marshall on quizalresfordrotary@gmail.com.

TREE experts have been surveying tree owned by Alresford Town Council.
The inspections, that include open spaces at Arlebury Park, Stratton Bates Recreation Ground, Sun Hill Rec and Alresford Memorial Garden.

AN empty country pub in the South Downs National Park is being converted into a motorist-focused coffee shop.
Caffeine and Machine has announced on its website that the West Meon Hut, will reopen this spring, with an exact date to be announced.
The business on Alton Road is very close to Loomies cafe popular with motorcyclists.

FLOOD alerts remain in place across the area, despite a period of dry weather. Storm Isha with the heavy rainfall on Sunday evening will have added to the groundwater levels.
The Environment Agency issued flood alerts for several villages earlier this month.
People living in Bramdean and Cheriton, Bishop’s Sutton, the Candovers and Old Alresford are being warned about the possibility of groundwater flooding.
The agency said on January 17: “More unsettled weather is forecast on Saturday 20/01/2024 with up to 11mm of rain expected in Hampshire. If heavy rain affects Bishop’s Sutton, cellar flooding impacts will increase, and internal property flooding could occur in late January or February.
“Groundwater levels are expected to begin falling in the next few days, but will remain sensitive to heavy or prolonged rainfall this winter. If heavy rain is recorded in the next couple of weeks, cellar flooding in Bramdean is possible.
For the Candovers and Old Alresford the agency said: “Groundwater levels will remain high throughout January 2024 and will be sensitive to further heavy rainfall this winter. Some properties in Preston Candover may experience internal ground floor flooding if further heavy rain is recorded in the coming weeks.”
For the Meon Valley, including West Meon: “Groundwater levels in the Meon Valley are high, but continue to slowly fall. At Pound Lane in Meonstoke, levels are falling by 8cm per day.”

THE next Alresford Antiques Fair will be on Saturday February 17 at the community centre on West Street from 9am to 4.30pm.
Admission is free.
There will be around eight stalls offering a variety of items including furniture, silver, glass, jewellery and militaria. The vendors will also buy.
Other fairs at Alresford Community Centre in 2024 are all on Saturdays: April 20, Saturday May 18, June 15, August 17 and October 26.

SEND us local news of community events from the Alresford area. The patch stretches from the Candovers to Kilmeston and Tichborne to West Meon.
Email newsdesk@hampshirechronicle.co.uk. or call 01962 861860 (choose option 1).