I often park at Tower Street and whatever is above the car park has been shrouded in scaffolding for a long time. 

I just wondered hearing that councils are short of cash, how much this is costing. 

It's not a particularly old building to need this amount of work. Maybe through your columns we might get an explanation. 

I think it was Mrs Thatcher who said the government has no money of its own. So it must be with councils, to explain what they are doing with our money.

Tony Gaster,
Old Kennels Lane,

Oliver's Battery,

Letter Editor's Note: We reported last November that the work is to repair water leaks, at the cost of the developer. We reported a county council spokeswoman: "The contractor that refurbished these wings in 2009 has accepted responsibility for the issue and is making the repairs at its own cost." The cost of the repairs has not been revealed, despite requests from the Chronicle.

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