What is the point of proposed tax cuts when we have lost our bus services to Southampton and Petersfield? 

In a rapidly growing area the local amenity tip in Bishop's Waltham is closing. 

Our school crossing lady is to be made redundant. The roads are full of pot-holes, many need resurfacing and the drains and pipe work are rarely cleaned out. 

Whilst the population is increasing, the number of doctors in general practice has been reducing over the last ten years, hence the difficulty of getting an appointment. 

Many councils are financially on the brink or have gone bankrupt. The total deficit of local councils will soon exceed £100billion. The Environment Agency, which is responsible for flood defences and monitoring the water quality of our rivers, has had its budget cut and our armed forces are reducing in numbers and effectiveness. 

I would prefer to pay the correct taxes and live in a safe civilised society.

Crawford Wright, 
Chapel Road, 

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