Your article about Westgate School was inspirational (January 11). 

The Chronicle must be congratulated for bringing to our attention the achievements of a school which is deeply embedded in and committed to the local community.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote suggesting that the item about Winchester College being judged "the south-east independent secondary school of the year" should be set in the context of the achievements of our six-form colleges which educate many times more students between them, most of them local. 

Now we have an example of one of our non-selective secondary schools achieving outstanding results for all its pupils including those who are disadvantaged. The article, and indeed the school's website, describe a determined and well-coordinated effort to include all, irrespective of background,  in achieving the best possible outcomes. This must have required considerable determination given the pressures of the last few years and the constraints under which the public sector operates.

Nor should we overlook the achievements of the other non-selective secondary and primary schools in the area. There is clearly a wealth of talent which is being nourished and encouraged by dedicated people. This bodes well for the future.

Andrea Owen,
Culverwell Gardens,

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