PUBLIC concern has been raised about the future of the rugby pitches in Alresford.
Minutes of the town council meeting for December 12 stated: “A member of the public spoke of his concern that money spent in 2012 on developing rugby pitches in Alresford was based on a non-renewable lease that will end in March 2027. The member of public was concerned about what might happen to rugby in Alresford if the Council is unable to secure a new lease after 2027 and what the price for a new lease would be”.
The chairman said negotiations had begun between the town council and the landowner.

ALRESFORD Town Council has approved work for fencing to protect the new slope works at Sun Hill Recreation Ground in Alresford.
From three tenders James White Fencing’s quote was approved for £6178.41 for weldmesh panel fencing and a steel palisade fencing.

FLOOD alerts remain in place across the area, despite a period of dry weather.
The Environment Agency issued flood alerts for several villages earlier this month.
People living in Bramdean and Cheriton, Bishop’s Sutton, the Candovers and Old Alresford are being warned about the possibility of groundwater flooding.
The agency said on January 10: “Groundwater levels in Bramdean and Cheriton are high and continue to rise. At Cheriton Wood, the groundwater level has risen by 1.2m in the last seven days.”
Groundwater levels will reduce the ability of septic tanks to operate properly. Most properties in these villages are not on mains drainage and use septic tanks.
The agency said more than half a month’s rain (57mm) has been recorded at Bishop’s Sutton over the New Year.
The agency says there was a very sharp rise in groundwater levels early in the New Year with some cellar flooding.
Weather forecasts predicted dry conditions which will stabilise groundwater levels but they are sensitive to further rainfall.
In Preston Candover and Old Alresford, the agency said groundwater levels remain very high. On January 11 it said: “In the last 24 hours, the level at Preston Candover has risen by 4cm. At Old Alresford, the level has fallen by 2cm. We expect a small number of properties in Preston Candover and Old Alresford will be pumping water out of their cellars. In Old Alresford, we expect that one property is experiencing internal flooding.”

THE next Alresford Antiques Fair will be on Saturday January 20 at the community centre on West Street from 9am to 4.30pm.
Admission is free.
There will be around eight stalls offering a variety of items including furniture, silver, glass, jewellery and militaria. The vendors will also buy.
Other fairs at Alresford Community Centre in 2024 are all on Saturdays: February 17, April 20, Saturday May 18, June 15, August 17 and October 26.

JUST in case you missed it last week, here is the 2024 programme for Alresford History and Literary Society has published its programme for 2024.
The dates, subject and speakers are: February 24, Charlotte M Yonge: Rediscovered, Bestseller and Hampshire Activist, Alys Blakeway;
March 20, The Porthole Murder, Paul Stickler;
Tuesday April 2, Stratfield Saye Outing (All day);
April 17, Rose, Crown & Castle Hampshire and the Isle of Wight’s Citizen Soldiers, Patrick Crowley;
May 15, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Adrian Smith;
Wednesday June 19, Americans in Alresford, Glenn Gilbertson;
July 17, “Fishermania” - The Celebrated Kitty Fisher - Superstar of 1760s London, Bob France; Thursday August 1, Strawberry Hill Outing (All day);
September 18, Ralph Dutton of Hinton Ampner, John Holden;
October 16, Writing out of the recent past how, why and when to set a novel with reference to social, political and cultural contexts, Jude Hayland;
Friday October 25, Annual Dinner;
November 20, The Austen Sisters, Rowan Stuart. No meeting in December.
The society meets in the Methodist Church, Jacklyns Lane, SO24 9JJ. Meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of the month, and it is not necessary to be a member to attend; visitors are welcome at the door for just £3. Annual membership (January 1 - December 31) is £10. To find out more, email

SEND us local news of community events from the Alresford area.
The patch stretches from the Candovers to Kilmeston and Tichborne to West Meon. Email or call 01962 861860 (choose option 1).