SOME people might sneer that it is a “First World problem” but the water supply issue is a disgrace.

Southern Water said 470 households lost their supply over the weekend in Winchester and Kings Worthy although the widespread nature of the water loss across the city would suggest the actual number is much higher.

It really is appalling that in the 21st century such a basic amenity cannot be relied upon. Don’t forget there were even greater problems across Winchester, Eastleigh and Southampton in December 2022.

READ MORE HERE: Residents angered at the lack of water supply for nearly a week

The Conservative government in the 1980s decided the water industry needed to be freed from the dead hand of state ownership, that its opening to the free market would be to customers’ benefit. More than 30 years on, most sensible-minded people would acknowledge that was a mistake, with billions of pounds paid out in dividends rather than being invested in upgrading ageing infrastructure.

The sad thing is that, with the best will in the world, the chronic problems are now so entrenched that it will be decades before this issue is sorted.