In 2012 New Alresford Town Council (NATC) with full support of Alresford Rugby Club acquired a piece of land adjacent to Arlebury Park for £250,000; unfortunately this was insufficient to enable the construction of two rugby pitches, which was the basic requirement.

Consequently NATC entered into a lease for further land by way of a short lease to 2027 to build a second pitch with landlord, Rodney Morgan-Giles.

This lease had three main clauses. Non renewable, re-instatement to original state and annual increase based on RPI.

The total public cost of this project has now reached £500,000 with the future of rugby in Alresford entirely in the hands of Morgan-Giles.

I have asked NATC to inform the public of two main questions. What alternatives exist if Morgan-Giles does not renew the lease?

What will NATC offer Morgan-Giles to sell the land or grant a new lease?

NATC have refused to answer either question. Furthermore, NATC have refused to set out the re-instatement costs.

All NATC discussions are in secret meetings with no disclosure to the public.

Morgan-Giles main object is to obtain planning for 60 houses on his land nearer the Avenue. 100+ residents are extremely concerned that NATC will support this planning application in return for a new rugby lease.

This matter is of major public concern for all the Alresford residents.

Robin Atkins,
Lindley Gardens, 

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