AN ALRESFORD man is completing a massive walk along the coastline of Sri Lanka to raise money for charity.

Scott Bridges was inspired to complete the challenge after his father died earlier this year.

He told the Chronicle: "I lost my dad in June, and it was quite sudden, I needed a break. I went away to Cambodia and gathered my thoughts and discovered what I wanted to do. I paid some debts, sold my car, and went back to Asia.

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“This is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I have two months until I have to go home in February, so I thought ‘why not?’”.

Hampshire Chronicle: Scott (left) is walking the length of the Sri Lankan coast soloScott (left) is walking the length of the Sri Lankan coast solo (Image: Scott Bridges)Scott started his walk in Gampaha on December 6 and is attempting to walk the entire coastline in just 60 days which, if successful, would be a world first. At the time of writing, he has completed approximately 500km of his 1500km walk and is on track to beat his target time.

The 30-year-old is raising money for the charity WEcare Worldwide, which provides healthcare for animals in need around the world.

So far, Scott has raised £947 for the charity. He said: “It’s a good total, but I want to push it further. I waited until Christmas, when I was already well through my journey, before I launched my fundraiser as I wanted people to see that I was really attempting it.

“The whole challenge is about me wanting to push myself, and I really want to keep doing that.

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“Walking through the National Parks has been absolutely incredible. Seeing crocodiles, elephants, monkeys and all sorts of birds while walking unaided has been very special.

“I've done all the planning by myself but have had a lot of help from the hospitable Sri Lankan people that have warned me where to be very safe and aware, as well as providing complimentary accommodation on a couple of occasions as well.”

More information on Scott’s fundraiser can be found by visiting