A NEIGHBOUR and a town council are objecting to plans for extensions to a Romsey house.

Stephen Oldham wants to demolish a garage and add single storey front and rear extensions and a first floor side extension to a property in Carisbrooke Court.

Andrew Dawbney, of Woodley Lane, submitted an objection to Test Valley Borough Council, saying it would dominate his property.

Mr Dawbney said: “Over-development of the site, to the detriment of the immediate neighbourhood; in particular the close proximity of the proposed development to the western boundary of my property. 

“The obtrusive first floor extension forming part of the proposed side development, would rise, to a height of approximately 25 feet and create a terraced effect when viewed from the public highway. 

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Hampshire Chronicle: Proposed extensions

“This will be very dominating from the rear windows of my house and rear garden. It will also have a severely limiting effect on daylight reaching my garden, exacerbated by its proximity to my western boundary.

“This massing is entirely out of context and would create an overbearing impact by reason of the featureless wall visible from all points in my rear garden.

“The proposed development would almost certainly adversely impact mature trees covered by existing TPOs.

“I respectfully request that my objections as above are fully taken into account by the planning officer, when preparing their report to the planning authority.”

Romsey Town Council's planning committee discussed the scheme on Thursday, November 16. 

They decided to submitted an objection which said: “Two-storey extension overbearing because of the angle between the properties, reducing light and amenity. 

“Concern about the height (about ten feet) and length of the single storey extension such that it may affect the neighbour's trees. 

“Concern over repositioning of driveway near the junction of Woodley Lane.”

Test Valley Borough Council's tree officer Liz Beckett said: “Situated adjacent to the site’s northern and eastern boundary is a group of mature Lime and Horse Chestnut that positively contribute to the area’s character, provide a good level of public amenity and are protected by TPO.

“The proposed single storey rear extension will affect the root protection area of five mature trees protected by TPO.

“In order to allow the tree related implications of the proposal to be properly assessed foundation design including sections to show the proposed and existing ground levels, are required.”

To view more details about the application online, search 23/02655/FULLS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.