A WINCHESTER man has been prosecuted by the city council for fly-tipping in Winnall. 

Jason Pyke, 55, of Wales Street, was convicted at Basingstoke Magistrates Court on Tuesday, November 21 for fly-tipping an armchair from his truck in Garbett Road in July 2022. 

The prosecution followed an investigation by Winchester City Council, using an eyewitness account of the incident. 

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Pyke was fined £1,000, ordered to pay £500 prosecution costs and a £400 victim surcharge, making a total of £1,900. 

Cllr Kelsie Learney, cabinet member for the climate emergency, said: “Fly-tipping harms the environment, hurts our wildlife and encourages vermin. This prosecution underlines our zero-tolerance approach to fly-tipping and sends a strong message that we will take action.

"I’d especially like to thank the eyewitness for their help – this sort of information is invaluable in helping us combat crimes like this.”

The city council is appealing to anyone who witnesses fly-tipping to report it online or contact the customer services team on 0300 300 0013.