A fox which had been found with a tube around its neck has been released.

The fox, named Faith, was released back into the wild after rescuers from the North Baddesley based ‘Second Chance Fox Rescue and Rehabilitation Group’ found her with a tube stuck to her head.

She was rescued around two weeks ago and was taken into the care of Steve Mason after being spotted roaming around Weevil Lane in Gosport last month.

On Saturday however, she was released back into the wild with a little party.

READ MORE: Gosport fox with tube around its neck is rescued

In a Facebook post, Roos Roos Kitchen said: “A huge send-off with the whole community looking out for her and other foxes.

“We couldn’t have wished for a better outcome for her. Let’s say a huge heartfelt thank you to the man himself for looking after her and treating her until she was well enough to be released again.”