A FESTIVE St Nicholas concert will be coming to Winchester Cathedral next week.

The concert on Saturday, December 9 will be performed by Winchester’s Waynflete Singers, together with the English Chamber Orchestra and a lineup of soloists.

Hampshire Chronicle: The Winchester Waynflete SingersThe Winchester Waynflete Singers (Image: Joe Low)The programme will feature music from Joseph Haydn and Benjamin Britten. A short opening work will treat the audience to Haydn’s Symphony No. 30, entitled Alleluia, setting the tone for the evening.

Following this, the Waynflete Singers will present Haydn's St Nicholas Mass (Missa Sancti Nicolai).

Soloists Elin Pritchard (Soprano), Rebecca Afonwy-Jones (Alto), Benjamin Hulett (Tenor), and Darren Jeffery (Bass) will also join the choir for the performance.

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The main part of the concert will be Britten's St Nicolas Cantata, which blends narrative and musical elements and will feature soloist Benjamin Hulett in the title role.

The work explores the life of St. Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, and his good works - a story complete with sea voyage, storm, saving the daughters of a poor man from a life of prostitution, and the resurrection of three pickled boys.

The inclusion of the Cathedral Choristers will add a festive element and help bring the work to life.

Conductor Andrew Lumsden, recently awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Winchester for his life-long service to Cathedral music, will lead proceedings.

The St Nicholas concert will take place on Saturday, December 9 at Winchester Cathedral at 7.30pm.

Tickets are now available from the Cathedral website, as well as the box office at the front entrance. They will also be available on the evening at the door.