Two oak trees have been planted in a Test Valley town with an official ceremony.

The trees were donated by allotment holder Allan Symmons and planted by North Baddesley Parish Council on its land at Heath Road/Bracken Close.

On Saturday, November 12, a planting ceremony was attended by Cllr David Knight, Cllr Roger Howson and Joan Harrington, the parish clerk.

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Cllr Knight read the poem The Oak Tree by Johnny Ray Ryder Jnr and described how the area had changed over the years from wasteland to semi-woodland with open spaces of well-maintained grass dotted with trees, some of which were oak trees, hundreds of years old.

Mr Symmons’ two grandchildren, who were visiting from Australia, had planted two acorns on his allotment to see if they would grow. He intends to monitor the growth of the trees and send photos to his grandchildren to update them on their progress.

Cllr Knight said North Baddesley Parish Council is committed to enhancing the environment and maintaining the natural beauty of its land.