THREE planning applications to build a house in West Wellow have been quashed at an appeal.

The schemes, submitted between September 2022 and March 2023, had all been refused by Test Valley Borough Council.

They were for houses of various sizes at Oaklands, Lower Common Road.

The most recent refusal, published on April 26, said: “The proposed development, by reason of its size, scale, mass, bulk and siting, would result in a contrived form of development which fails to integrate into the existing built context and pattern of development. The proposal would have an unacceptable impact on the character of the immediate and surrounding area.

“The proposed development would by virtue of the location and positioning of the proposed dwelling and the proximity to TPO trees (both existing and replacement) threaten the retention of important trees due to on-going pressure to prune or fell tree canopies to the amenity areas and habitable windows of the proposed dwelling.

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“Furthermore the shading of the garden for large portions of the day, and long term maintenance issues of the guttering, roofs and garden would place pressure on the removal or excessive pruning of these important trees. Such works would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area.

“Due to the scale of the dwelling and close proximity to mature trees, this habitat is likely to be impacted by the proposed development during both the construction and occupational stage of the development.

Hampshire Chronicle: Wellow house design

“The proposed garden areas to the sides of the proposed house would be significantly overshadowed by the protected trees, which are of substantial size with large canopies. The amount of overshadowing would render the garden space less usable.

“As a result, it is considered that the proposal does not provide adequate garden space and would not be appropriate for the needs of the future residents of the proposed dwelling.”

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In the appeal decision published on November 8, planning inspector A J Sutton said: “While the floor space and height varies significantly between the proposals, all three developments would result in a detached, family-sized dwelling. As such even with gardens at both sides, the smallest proposed dwelling would result in a sizable built form at the appeal site, and a significant portion of the site would be covered by development. Even taken account of the relatively large plot size, this would considerably alter the existing undeveloped quality of the site. 

“The loss or substantial reduction in the size of mature trees at the appeal site would significantly diminish the existing verdant character of this area.

“I find that the proposals would not provide satisfactory living conditions for future occupants of the dwellings, with regards private garden space.

“I have found harm in respect of character and the living conditions of future occupants, as well as uncertainty with regards impacts on on-site ecology, and therefore conflict with the development plan when read as a whole.

“For the reasons stated above and having regard to the development plan and other material considerations, the appeals should be dismissed.”