You report on a proposal to build 250 houses in Jermyns Lane on the outskirts of Romsey. 

This is not a good proposal and should be rejected for many reasons, some of which I comment upon now. 

Firstly, Romsey does not need another 250 houses. Government census figures show that in 2001 the population of Romsey was 17,213 people. In 2021 the population had risen to 19,912 people an increase of 15.7 per cent. The same source reveals that the population of the UK over the same period has risen by only 13.3 per cent, so it is clear that Romsey has been taking, or having forced upon it, more than its fair share of any additional housing. These figures take no account of the planned 1,100 houses to be built at Whitenap, nor the extra 309 planned for Ganger Farm. These may be expected to increase the population by another 3,000 or so.

This development is over two and a half miles from the centre of Romsey and people living there will need to use their cars to go shopping in the town. 

Any grand ideas for a cycle route will not encourage many to cycle into Romsey, and then back loaded with shopping and uphill! 

The council is on record as saying that they have no plans to increase the parking capacity within the town centre so where are all these cars to go? No safe cycle routes are available around the town, and the route along the barge canal has now fallen so far into disrepair that one would be reluctant to use it for cycling. It is also a hazard since it mixes cyclists and pedestrians.

Traffic management in Romsey is already seriously impeded on many days because the entrance to the major supermarket, Waitrose, backs up onto the main A road through route. With more housing and more cars this can only get worse. 

Many of Romsey’s facilities are already overstretched, such as GPs, schools and the sewerage system, and no plans for infrastructure improvement are proposed with this development.

Romsey has no need of this development. Indeed the only reason for it would seem to be a need for Hilliers to raise funds to meet their business needs rather than the needs of Romsey.

I would encourage all residents of the town to register their disapproval of this scheme before Romsey cease to be the pleasant place we all want it to remain.

David Sutton,
Fair Field,

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