A HAMPSHIRE villager has been banned from the road for more than three years for drug driving.

Conrad Martin, of Mitford Road, Alresford, was caught over the limit for cannabis and cocaine on Sunday, April 30.

Martin, 36, was caught on Alresford Road and Hampage Farm Road. He was caught with 108 micrograms per litre of blood of cocaine, which is more than double the limit of 50. 

He also had seven micrograms per litre of blood of cannabis, which is more than three times the limit of two. 

MOST READ: Hampshire villager gets three penalty points for speeding in Somerset

Martin pleaded guilty at Basingstoke Magistrates Court on Monday, November 6. 

As well as being banned from driving for 20 months, he must complete 19 rehabilitation days and the court record said: “Offender to comply with any instructions of the responsible officer to attend appointments, or to participate in any activity as required by the responsible officer up to a maximum of: 10 Days.”

Martin must also pay a fine of £233, costs of £85 and a surcharge of £114. This has to be paid by Monday, December 4.